Brave Little Flower

“Even the littlest flower can withhold a storm” My little niece, Alyshana Ariel was diagnosed with thalassemia major at the age of 1 year 9 months. Children born with thalassemia usually develop the symptoms of severe anaemia within the first year of their life. They lack the ability to produce normal, adult haemoglobin and experience chronic fatigue. They may also fail to thrive, but luckily my niece had her early treatments. My little niece had her weekly transfusion, and I remember when she used to cry so much when the doctors poked needles in her. Having sufficient blood packs in the blood bank was difficult, my sister had to spread the news about her daughter, pleading for friends and family to help donate blood to my little niece, luckily for us, we have a big family and my sister have amazing friends. News spread like wildfire, and soon a lot of people knew about Ariel. The first time Ariel went for blood transfusion, she was scared, only a child at 1 year ...